Paranormal Investigators of the Carolinas


Mission Statement | Contact Us | The Investigation Team | Cases | Cemetery Preservation | Cryptozoology Dept. | Newsletter | Theories | Links | Awards | Paranormal Search Engines

To "receive a full reward" refers not to salvation but to the rewards of loyal service. All who value the truth and persistently hold to it will win their full reward. Those who live for themselves and justify their self-centerdness by teaching false doctrines will lose that reward.
2 John, verse 8

To win an award from the Paranormal Investigators of the Carolinas, email the webmaster with a short description of your website and the URL and it will be considered.

Below are awards that have been given to The Paranormal Investigators of the Carolinas. We thank everyone for their support and please visit all sites gracious enough to grace us with an award of excellence.


